As many of you might already know, I have sold Scrap with V and the shop has moved on to it's new premises this morning.
It was a hard decision but one I had to make. With all the changes in family life, working a new job, 3 teenage daughters and a husband who works 72 hours a week and a business on top, something had to give and unfortunately it was my baby - Scrap with V.
Chocked full of flu this past week and feeling so very crappy, I managed to get the shop packed up and loaded into the pod ready to head off this morning. I ended up having to call on Annette to give me a hand in getting it finished as I was just so darn sick, it took all my effort. Thank you so much Annette for all your help.
and thank goodness this will be the last time ever I need to pack it up again LOL!!
I am really going to miss the store. Has been such great fun. All the lovely ladies I've met over the years, retreats we've all had fun at. I have really enjoyed this but sadly it was time for me to say goodbye.
I am really looking forward to being able to scrap for me again, keeping the frienships that have flourished and spend more time with my family too.
You will really love the new owner of Scrap with V, Julianne (Jules the Bling Princess) is really lovely and I know she will keep my baby going well.
Please head over to Scrap with V blog and meet Julianne, see what she has in store and the changes happening.
I would really like to thank everyone, all the Design Team girls over all the years for all their support, frienship and encouragement. It has been such a pleasure working with everyone and to all my customers too who I have built great friendships with even though we've never met face to face. Thank you everyone!!
I truly hope that you will all continue to support Scrap with V and Julianne in the future.
It was a hard decision but one I had to make. With all the changes in family life, working a new job, 3 teenage daughters and a husband who works 72 hours a week and a business on top, something had to give and unfortunately it was my baby - Scrap with V.
Chocked full of flu this past week and feeling so very crappy, I managed to get the shop packed up and loaded into the pod ready to head off this morning. I ended up having to call on Annette to give me a hand in getting it finished as I was just so darn sick, it took all my effort. Thank you so much Annette for all your help.
and thank goodness this will be the last time ever I need to pack it up again LOL!!
I am really going to miss the store. Has been such great fun. All the lovely ladies I've met over the years, retreats we've all had fun at. I have really enjoyed this but sadly it was time for me to say goodbye.
I am really looking forward to being able to scrap for me again, keeping the frienships that have flourished and spend more time with my family too.
You will really love the new owner of Scrap with V, Julianne (Jules the Bling Princess) is really lovely and I know she will keep my baby going well.
Please head over to Scrap with V blog and meet Julianne, see what she has in store and the changes happening.
I would really like to thank everyone, all the Design Team girls over all the years for all their support, frienship and encouragement. It has been such a pleasure working with everyone and to all my customers too who I have built great friendships with even though we've never met face to face. Thank you everyone!!
I truly hope that you will all continue to support Scrap with V and Julianne in the future.

Aw, Ness. I'm sure this is bittersweet for you, hon, but I totally understand how some thing has to give sometimes. Glad that you will have more time to yourself .. hopefully and get to do some fun scrapping! Hugs!
I'm truly sorry that you had to sell the shop, but I totally understand what you say about priorities in life.
I didn't get to know you and the shop's blog for a long time, but I must say that in the short period I did, I found a very inspiring woman and blog.
Thank you for all the hard work you've put into the shop.
I wish you all the best, good luck with all the other issues in your life.
I hope you'll continue scrapping and making your lovely sketches, cause you're a very talented woman.
Take care!
Awwwww Ness I feel your sadness.
Now rest take care and shake off that awful bug.
{{{{ HUGS }}}}
Ohhh I will miss your beautiful kits I always had fun putting them together.
Big hugs babe - enjoy the breather!!!
Oh Ness, its good but sad news to hear. Im sure Jules will be wonderful with your baby! I hope you can concentrate now on your health and your famly! Best wishes Love Jodi XX
Hi Ness... it was such a surprise to read this on ScrapwithV's blog... but, it's still a good news bcos Jules will look after your baby very well :)... she is such a talented scrapper herself so...she will definitely know scrappers's needs :) and as for you, lots of fantastic memories for sure but now... time for you and your family :)... you have been a fantastic 'boss' and i'm not around as much as i'd love to be but... still around... and so will you :)
All the best !!
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