Here is the Prima sketch

and this is my take on the sketch

Thanks for stopping by.
Love Ness xx

On May 4-5th, Aussie Scrap Source is putting on a special event for retailers, and I couldn’t be happier to be invited to attend and teach from my new range of Tattered Angels products!! In speaking with my Tattered Angels friends… we decided to expand our stay and do a little bit of a tour! We are excited to be visiting: Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane…we are trying to squeeze in as much as we possibly can!
Some products need more ‘education’ than others. Usually, those are the products that you can do the most with… they are the most versatile and allow the most creativity! The products and projects that we will be bringing you are in this category… they require a little instruction, and once you get the basics… there is no stopping where you can take it!! of course, I am talking about all the Glimmery mediums from Tattered Angels, as well as the concept of ‘hybrid crafting’ that is our vision at House of 3!
The day long workshop will begin at 9am, and we’ll go until 6pm….. a full day of inspiration and instruction!
i will be posting costs and registration information in the next couple of days.. but i just need to get everyone to SPREAD THE WORD that this is going on ... so you can start making plans! it's going to be awesome --- just had a huge meeting to talk about it and i am SO excited!! & guess what??? i get to go to FIJI on my way to AU to visit my folks... happy, happy dance!!